Hang on to Your Dreams Little Buckeroos!

Hang on to Your Dreams Little Buckeroos!

Growing up in Portland, Oregon as the daughter of two rather flamboyant hairdressers, stying hair for a living never crossed my mind. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would always answer, usually dressed as a cowgirl, and say, “a commercial artist that designs stuff”. The word "stuff" had a rather broad definition at that age.

As an adult I have realized one part of my childhood dream, by becoming a creative professional and have enjoyed a very long career as creative director, designer, and brand strategist. Now that I am semi-retired, I am realizing the second part of that long-held dream. Shortly before Christmas 2021, I launched an online store called Pattern Ranch. The word "stuff" apparently still holds a broad definition for me, even in my golden years.

Enjoying retired life means different things to different people I guess, and friends often ask me why dive head first into a new startup venture, and become an solo entrepreneur in my 70s?

Because, this old cowgirl still believes in her Little Buckeroo dreams.

Candice Laxton
A.K.A. Cowgirl Candi Lu
Creative Director | Surface Pattern Designer